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Roger Clemens’ God Complex Created His Legend and His Downfall

Roger Clemens’ indictment might signal the beginning of the end for the Rocket.

Quite frankly, the only thing most people have to say is, “Why?”

Why couldn’t Clemens just admit he was wrong like Andy Pettitte and Alex Rodriguez? Why couldn’t he just take it like a man and let the truth humble him just a little bit?

Simply put, Clemens couldn’t or wouldn’t because he has a God complex unlike many we have ever seen.

Of course, that complex is also part of what made him so great as a player.

He would get in anyone’s face, challenge anyone, and more often than not, he would come out on top. 

He didn’t give a damn about throwing a bat at Mike Piazza or beaning anyone who stepped up to the plate and looked at him wrong. A lot of people probably hated him for that, but a lot of people feared and respected him and his game because of that intensity.

Not to mention, he managed to sit out half a season and negotiate a contract that did not force him to travel on road trips. So, in many ways, the God complex was fostered by those around him.

In many ways, Clemens was one of the best pitchers we will ever see take the mound. When it came to baseball, you really couldn’t question his God complex. He was simply that good.

Unfortunately, Clemens thought that he was not only bigger than the game of baseball, but also bigger than the justice system, and maybe bigger than life itself. He really might think he is God.

They say that things are bigger in Texas, but this isn’t what they meant, Roger.

That right there is why Clemens is about to burn in sports infamy, and maybe in jail too when it is all said and done.

Clemens is not guilty yet, and all of these are currently allegations, but the evidence continues to be overwhelming. 

The strangest part about it is that Clemens seems to think that he is above all of this; that he can just throw high and inside and it will all go away; that the judge will just shake his head and walk away from the plate, another strikeout victim to God Clemens.

I hate to break it to you, Roger, but this ain’t a game anymore. Your intensity and supreme ego are not going to get you out of this one. They are only going to bury you.

Clemens’ biggest strength turned out to be his biggest weakness, and he proved that no one really is bigger than the game—and certainly no one is bigger than the law.

Clemens deserves whatever he gets. He was just too stubborn to swallow the humble pill and admit he was wrong. That is all he had to do.

The craziest thing about it is that Clemens has not only entrenched himself in this uphill battle because of his ego, but his ego is only intensifying the wrath of the justice system. The more this seems to drag on, the more Clemens seems intent on continuing this fight.

ESPN’s Bill Simmons once referred to Clemens as the Antichrist. Many baseball fans probably feel that way as this continues to escalate. The only place on earth where Clemens doesn’t stir up these connotations might be inside his own head.

As Clemens keeps fighting this losing battle, he is proving that contrary to popular belief, he feels the opposite. He still feels like he is God.

That is why Clemens will lose the most important game of his life.

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Matt Garza No-Hitter: MLB Pitching Dominance Better Than Steroids Era?

Tampa Bay Rays’ Matt Garza just tossed Major League Baseball’s fifth no-hitter of the season.

You have to go back 20 years to 1990 to find a season with more than three no-hitters, when six were thrown.

In MLB history only 20 pitchers have thrown a perfect game. Two of those were thrown this season, and that doesn’t include Armando Galarraga’s gem that would have been perfect if not for that one missed call.

If you have been paying attention, you know what is going on.

The pitching numbers have been absurd this season. It’s no surprise that many people are calling this the new age of pitching.

If you are a baseball purist, you are probably loving it right now. The game at its purest form, with pitching dominating hitting, requiring more strategy when the hits are fewer and far between.

But if you are a fan who likes to see some action in the sports you watch, then you might not be enjoying this Renaissance so much.

Dare I say it: Would some people prefer the excitement that reverberated throughout stadiums when power hitting ruled baseball? Yes, I am referring to the Steroids Era.

If you go back to 1990, the last time so many pitchers threw gems, the game was on pace to hit a lockout and lose a little bit of its luster.

It took the great home run derby between Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire to resurrect interest in the sport for much of America.

Looking back on the Steroids Era, many people are horrified at what actually transpired and at how the record books were tarnished by these steroid users.

But, you have to wonder if some fans long for the days of excitement, even at the cost of steroids.

The purists will scoff at those people, saying they are not true fans. But that group will say that a sport needs fans to generate excitement.

It certainly can be a catch-22 of sorts for sports, between the fundamentals and the excitement of seeing professional athletes do what we cannot.

Sure, most of us cannot pitch one of these no-hitters, but is it more exciting for you to watch a pitcher stifle a team into not hitting a single ball or a player smack a few long balls in a game?

Most people will think this is blasphemy, but what is your opinion on the matter? Which form of baseball do you prefer: pitching dominance or hitting power galore? Or is it even a question?

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Lou Piniella Retires: Is Ryne Sandberg a Good Replacement?

With Lou Piniella retiring at the end of the season, many Cubs fans might be saying good riddance due to Chicago’s disappointment recently. 

The next question is obviously, “Who’s next?”

Well, Ryne Sandberg has already thrown his hat into the ring. Sandberg, a Hall of Fame inductee and Cubs legend, would certainly bring big-name quality to the dugout and his experience might go over well with the players.

Sandberg is currently managing the Cubs’ Triple-A Iowa club and explicitly said he wanted the job, “I am ready…I’m not interested in on-the-job learning or on-the-job training. At this point, I’m interested in winning ballgames at the Major League level.”

That is the kind of fire and mentality you want leading your club, especially one that needs a little fire lit to its collective tails to get going.

But Sandberg might be a little bit of work in progress. With only four years of managerial experience under his belt, there might be some on-the-job training going on if he were to take over the Cubs. There would be some lumps and a little bit of a learning curve, so the question is whether it would pay off in the long run.

From a fan’s perspective, it might be nice to get some new blood into the managerial position. The Cubs have already tried putting the old guard into that role with Dusty Baker and Lou Piniella recently, so at least this would be trying something new and going in a different direction.

Sandberg said afterward that he doesn’t actually expect to land the gig, but the Cubs might be wise to give him a long hard look, something GM Jim Hendry said he intends to do.

If Sandberg is in fact hired, he would be only the second Hall of Famer to be hired as a big league manager after his induction, and the first since Ted Williams. It’s a rare pedigree that will help him relate with the players and help him earn their respect.

He is already dealing with Carlos Zambrano, who is working his way through Triple-A right now. Although nobody can handle the loose cannonball that is Zambrano, if Sandberg could forge a relationship with the talented hurler, that could certainly help his case.

That is only one part of the battle, but Sandberg could prove a little something by winning over Zambrano. 

He has already won over Cubs fans with his play on the field during his career, so that is another piece to the puzzle. Managing is always a different story, but you never know unless you are given that shot.

Sandberg might have an uphill battle to land the job, and there might be a few rough patches in his first season if he were to get it; the Cubs might be wise to do something different to try to get the club back on track.

Why not try Sandberg?

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MLB All-Star Game: Top Five San Francisco Giants on the Ballot

The San Francisco Giants are hanging around in the wide open NL West.

Only 1.5 games out of first (as of Wednesday), the Giants should get strong consideration for spots in the NL All-Star Game.

Many newcomers, like Pat Burrell (three homers since coming over from Tampa), Buster Posey, and Edgar Renteria (.326 in 26 games), have come on strong for the Giants as of late.

Due to their lack of a complete resume, most of these guys won’t be All-Star candidates. However, they are definitely key players for the Giants.

Here are five players who have held things together while waiting for these guys to come around. They should get All-Star consideration to represent the Giants in Los Angeles/Anaheim/wherever they play.

I’m not saying that these guys should definitely make it. In fact, some of them may be completely overlooked and not even considered. But that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve consideration (it’s the MLB All-Star Game, what else is new?).

These are my top five candidates to make it to where the stars shine.

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Stephen Strasburg and Sports’ 10 Most Hyped Debuts of the Past Decade

You have been hearing about Stephen Strasburg since he burst onto the scene throwing fireballs at San Diego State.

The hype has been building ever since he was taken first overall in the MLB draft last season by the Washington Nationals.

Well, guess what?

The wait ends tomorrow, when Strasburg is expected to finally make his major-league debut against the Pittsburgh Pirates.

The 21-year-old certainly will feel the pressure in front of a sold-out crowd and a full media lineup (over 200 press releases requested).

You will have to tune in tomorrow night to see if he actually lives up to the hype in his first performance, but rare is the athlete who lives up to the enormous expectations that tower over him.

With the ESPN machine running in overdrive these days, there is no shortage of hype for phenom athletes making their debut on the big stage in the past decade.

So where does Strasburg’s debut rank on this list?

Note: These are professional debuts in America, not debuts for a new team (Brett Favre the past two seasons, A-Rod in New York, etc.) or after a long layoff (I’m looking at you, Tiger).

And unfortunately, a lot of deserving hyped players were left of this list. Feel free to let me know who you think belongs here.

Now, let the hype begin.

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