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10 MLB Players with a Unique Look

Is there anything better than a playoff beard?

There is, in fact. An all-the-time facial hairdo. Whether its James Harden hiding his true colors or Brett Keisel’s mane flowing from under his football helmet, we love when athletes rock eccentric styles in the field of play.

And there’s no sport more amenable than baseball to creating a hilarious look that’s always visible. It helps players create their own brand—Brian Wilson wouldn’t be Brian Wilson without one. Heck, the only thing I know about Rollie Fingers—besides the fact that he pitched (I think) for the Oakland Athletics (maybe)—is that he sported the most majestically curled moustache.

Here are 10 of the MLB‘s most intriguing, polarizing and entertaining looks less than two months into the season.

And if we missed your favorite player’s getup, be sure to let us know in the comments!

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15 of the Coolest Players in the MLB

Being a professional athlete is so much more than simply performing well and winning. The most successful superstars build personas that exist off the court or field, allowing them to connect with people who don’t necessarily identify with their sport.

Fans often forget that athletes have real lives when they’re not in uniform. Players have families, social lives, businesses and hobbies, too. Playing a sport is just a job, albeit a great one, that also requires athletes to have a public persona in street clothes.

To that end, lets take a look at 15 of the coolest players (and one manager) in Major League Baseball with some of the largest individual followings and oddest off-field interests. They are listed in no particular order, as coolness lacks a singular definition by which to rank.

MLB employs hundreds of players, so we probably missed a few good ones. If your “coolest” player didn’t make it on this list, be sure to let us know about him in the comments. 

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