He seems cuddly enough. He seems, in fact, almost sweet. All that brown soft fur.
But looks can be deceiving. First impressions are not always right.
Take the tale of Mariner fan Victor Aguilar. The 32-year-old man from a Seattle suburb had gone to a recent Mariners game. As he was walking along with his cousin and uncle they saw the Mariner Moose coming toward them.
Aguilar was excited to see the Moose. He has, in fact, a strange admiration of the Moose, which we’ll delve into in a moment. But first, back to the encounter.
Aguilar explained his story to Komo.com in Seattle.
“He was walking toward me, I was walking toward him,” he said. “I was going to go like this (showing an embracing arm) to take a picture with him when he pushed me out of the way, and hit my arm and neck, and hit my stomach.”
The Moose then walked off.
Attacked by the Mariner Moose. Everyone’s worst nightmare.
“I was like, what was going on,” Aguilar said. “There were more people there, and they were like, ‘What’s his deal? Why did he do that to you?'”
Apparently, as if the story wasn’t bad enough already, Aguilar had recently had disc replacement surgery and the discomfort he felt from the Moose’s attack caused him to seek medical assistance at Safeco Field.
Aguilar, as I mentioned, has had fond feelings toward the Moose for some time. In fact, on his refrigerator is a photo of his son and the Moose posing for a picture at a game earlier this season.
He said the Moose has helped him and his family make fond memories in the past.
The Mariners claim the Moose has no recollection of bumping into anyone at that game.
Rebecca Hale. spokesperson for the Mariners, told KOMO that because of the Moose’s large antlers he often bumps into things because his vision is limited.
Hale said the Mariners investigation is ongoing.
Aguilar says he is not looking for any money from the Mariners. He just wants his medical bill payed and the Mariners to discipline the Moose.
“Maybe he was drunk,” Aguilar said. “Or on drugs. Who knows the way he was acting.”
Just goes to show you, never trust a moose.
And I always thought that the Philly Phanatic was the mascot to be wary of…
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