After five innings of spinning their wheels harmlessly against the Boston Red Sox on Tuesday night, the New York Yankees began oiling the bomb bay doors.
The foreshocks started in the sixth inning with RBI from Mark Teixeira, Brian McCann and Carlos Beltran. The flurry pulled the Yankees to a 4-3 lead, one that New York would build into a 13-run mountain thanks to an explosion of offense in the bottom of the seventh.
Alex Rodriguez kicked off the deluge with an RBI single. Brian McCann followed suit with a three-run moonshot to bring things to 8-3.
Tracy Morgan approved:
After that, it was all blood, viscera and Boston pitchers exploding into fine mist and blowing off the mound.
The Yankees sent 13 men to the plate over the course of the nine-run inning. The Red Sox responded by burning through three different hurlers in their scramble to staunch the bleeding, stopping just shy of rolling a JUGS machine onto the mound and going back to the hotel.
The scoring ended with a three-run capstone over the left-field wall by Chris Young, effectively putting the game out of reach.
Young noted after the game that there’s no secret or nuance to the Yankees’ random nuclear evenings of offense. He said the Yankees just have good hitters, and when they’re hitting, they’ll run you off the field, per’s Bryan Hoch and Ian Browne.
“The most blunt way to say it is, we have a lot of really good hitters,” Young said. “The group of guys we have, we have a great balance of speed and power. Guys are not giving too many at-bats away and grinding. Just from top to bottom, everybody’s a threat now.”
The Rodriguez Effect at work, my friends.
When Prince A-Rod is top 10 in the American League in home runs, walks, slugging percentage and on-base plus slugging, your team will feast. Then again, it also doesn’t hurt when your opponent shows up to the potluck with a tray of New England meatballs, either.
Dan is on Twitter, living that #RE2PECT life and wantonly cramming players’ numbers into hashtags in nonsensical ways.
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